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Interface LanguageConfiguration

The language configuration interfaces defines the contract between extensions and various editor features, like automatic bracket insertion, automatic indentation etc.


  • LanguageConfiguration



Optional comments

comments: CommentRule

The language's comment settings.

Optional brackets

brackets: CharacterPair[]

The language's brackets. This configuration implicitly affects pressing Enter around these brackets.

Optional wordPattern

wordPattern: RegExp

The language's word definition. If the language supports Unicode identifiers (e.g. JavaScript), it is preferable to provide a word definition that uses exclusion of known separators. e.g.: A regex that matches anything except known separators (and dot is allowed to occur in a floating point number): /(-?\d.\d\w)|([^`~!@#%^&*()-=+[{]}\|;:'",.<>/?\s]+)/g

Optional indentationRules

indentationRules: IndentationRule

The language's indentation settings.

Optional onEnterRules

onEnterRules: OnEnterRule[]

The language's rules to be evaluated when pressing Enter.

Optional __electricCharacterSupport

__electricCharacterSupport: { brackets?: any; docComment?: { scope: string; open: string; lineStart: string; close?: string } }

Deprecated Do not use.


Will be replaced by a better API soon.

Type declaration

  • Optional brackets?: any

    This property is deprecated and will be ignored from the editor.

  • Optional docComment?: { scope: string; open: string; lineStart: string; close?: string }

    This property is deprecated and not fully supported anymore by the editor (scope and lineStart are ignored). Use the autoClosingPairs property in the language configuration file instead.

    • scope: string
    • open: string
    • lineStart: string
    • Optional close?: string

Optional __characterPairSupport

__characterPairSupport: { autoClosingPairs: { open: string; close: string; notIn?: string[] }[] }

Deprecated Do not use.

  • Use the autoClosingPairs property in the language configuration file instead.

Type declaration

  • autoClosingPairs: { open: string; close: string; notIn?: string[] }[]

友链:VS Code 中文文档 | VS Code 官网文档 | VS Code 扩展市场

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